Diseases | Definition |
Herniated disc | A herniated disc is a condition in which the annulus fibrosus (outer portion) of vertebral disc is born enabling the nucleus (inner portion) to herniate (or) extrude through the fibers. |
Sciatica | Pain affecting the back,hip and outer side of leg caused by compression of spinal nerve root in the lower back |
Degenerative disc disease | Is a condition in chich damaged vertebral disc causes chronic pain |
Scoliosis | It is an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine |
Spinal deformities | Spinal dislocation (or) slippage |
Spondylosis | It is an degenerative arthritis of the spine |
Yoga | Massage | Hydrotherapy | Physiotheraphy | Diet | Ayurveda | Siddha |
=> Loosening Exercises => Asanas Standing Series Tadasana,Ardhachakrasana, Uttitatrikonasana, padahostasana, parivritatrikonasa Sitting Series Vajrasana, Yogamudrasana, Pachimottanasana, Janusirshasana, Ustrasana Supine Series Crocodile posture, Sethubandasana, Powanmuktasana Savasana Prone series Salabasana,Bhujiangasana Pranayam Nadishuddh, Brahmari,Aumkara chanting |
=>Back massage + fomentation Mechanism =>Helps to improve blood circulation => Relaxes the muscles for an improved ROM =>Leads to increased endorphin levels |
=> Hot mud application =>Patrupodi application =>Formentation Mechanism =>Fomentation relieves muscle pain and spasm by increasing circulation The properties in mud which are magnesium Ca+,K+,ZINC,P,Fe, AL,Si,Cu,Co,Mb are elements in health vital maintain health good and reduces pain swelling & stittness This elements allow clay to hold great scabbing properly and help rejunvernating the tissue joints |
=>Wood exercise =>Lumbar and cervical traction->it stretchs the spain to relieve pressure on compressed nerves in this way it treat back and neck pain |
=> 7.30 - 8.00 am Idly+chutney kasayam =>11.30 Green gram sprouts + sappota juice => 1-2 pm Rice + sambar kolambu =>7-8 pm Dosa + chutney+ kasayam Mechanism =>It boost immunity |
=>Janu vasti =>Pichu =>Podikizhi =>Kati vasti =>Jllakizhi Mechanism=>Induces prespiration in affected area which promotes the skin to eliminate waste =>It balances 3 dashas =>It massages the body =>Improves blood circulation =>It lubricatos joints treat sport injuries relieves sprains,strains,legament tear,inflammation includes mobility =>Keeps skin healthy =>Revives body's natural healing captilities |
=>Mooligai powder => Amukkura powder =>Karpoora powder =>Vishnu chakkaram powder =>Thamboolam powder =>Vathakesari =>vallathi |
=> Muscles get stretch and loosens up in areas where they are previously tensed
=>Yogas stratches may be enough for the back pain which is directly related to stress (or)poor posture
=>Goga enhances both muscle tonicity and releases muscle tension
=>Yoga practioners develop increasing awareness of muscles use and joint position so that they could better change habitual posture pattern in daily life
=>Yoga also improves body awareness along with pain acceptance and coping
=>Yoga practices these asanas along with pranayama corrects vertebral curvatures with respective angles,strengthening muscles and supports maintaining the proper posture
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