Diseases | Definition |
Hypertension | Also known as high blood pressure in which the blood vessels are persistently raised pressure. |
Hypotension | Low blood pressure occurs when blood pressure is much lower than normal. It is a decrease in systemic blood pressure |
Coronary artery disease (Atherosclerosis) | Narrowing of the coronary arteries that prevents adequate blood supply to heart muscle. |
Acute heart failure | Thus heart can't pump enough blood to meet your body's demand. It can be acute means it happens suddenly. |
Yoga | Massage | Acupressure | Hydrotherapy | Diet | Siddha |
=> Loosening Exercises => Asanas Standing Series Tadasana,Ardhachakrasana, Uttitatrikonasana,padahostasana,parivritatrikonasa Sitting Series Vajrasana,Yogamudrasana,Pachimottanasana, Janusirshasana,Ustrasana,Shashangasana Supine Series Crocodile asanas,Sethubandasana,Powanmuktasana, Savasana Prone Series Salabasana,Bhujangasana Pranayam Nadishuddh,Brahmari,Aumkara chanting |
=>Kidney massage => Full body massage Reflex massage Mechanism =>Massage will helps to cleans congwsted areas making it easier for the heart to get blood flow properly.So new O2 rich blood is able to move through body with more easily => When blood circulation is enhanced blood pressure reduced heart rate being to slow down this will relieves physical and emotional stress |
=>Acupressure is given to palms and foot Mechanism => Pressure on the heart meridians helps to flesh out toxins and boost the blood circulation |
=> Hot arm foot bath =>Steam bath =>Neutral chest pack =>Hip bath =>Natural Spinal spray =>Ice massage to spine Mechanism =>Hydrotherapy used to enchance muscular and cardiopulmonary endurance in patient with chronic cardiorasular disease =>It reduces systolic and diastotlic blood pressure there by it reduces hypertension |
=> 7.30 - 8.00 am pongal+chutney kasayam =>11.30 Kollupayaru + orange juice => 1-2 pm Rice +Sambar =>7-8 pm Idly + chutney+ kasayam Mechanism =>A healthy diet keeps the heart healthy =>Eating less salty food and morerich food may signiticantly reduce the risk to cardiovascular disease =>High soluble fibers will helps to lower cholesterol |
=>Mooligai powder => Kasayam |
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