Diseases | Definition |
Fatly Liver | There is excessive collection of fat on the liver & it can cause irreversiable damage to the liver & may result in permanent liver damage |
Liver cirrhosis | Cirrhosis is a condition in which liver is scarred and permanently damaged |
Yoga | Massage | Hydrotherapy | Diet | Siddha |
=> Loosening Exercises => Asanas Standing Series Tadasana,Ardhachakrasana, Uttitatrikonasana, padahostasana, parivritatrikonasa Sitting Series Vajrasana, Yogamudrasana, Pachimottanasana, Janusirshasana, Ustrasana, Shashangasana Supine Series Crocodile posture, Sethubandasana, Powanmuktasana Savasana Prone series Salabasana,Bhujiangasana Pranayam Nadishuddh, Brahmari,Aumkara chanting |
=>Full body massage + plantain leaf bath =>Maggsage to abdoman & legs Reflex massage + DHM Partial Massage to abdomen & legs Mechanism =>The gentle pressure on the skin will improve the blood circulation & the oxygenation to the liver->this improves the organ function sheeps to overcome some symptoms |
=>Full mud bath =>Steam bath =>GH pack Abdomen mud pack =>Hot foot & arm bath =>Leg pack =>Sauna bath =>Direct mud application to abdomen =>cold hip bath Mechanism =>Hot water foot & arm bath will induces vasodilatation of the peripheral vessels and alteration of blood distribution =>Abdomen mud pack helps to relaxing the digestive system & strengthening all the digestive organs =>Mud bath also absorbs the internal heat & improves the metabolism |
=> Raw fruit salads =>Raw vegetable => Raw juices Mechanism =>Raw fruits contains antioxidants that protect the liver from injuries by reducing inflammation & protecting the lever cells =>This also increases the enzymes that burn fat =>Raw vegetables helps to protect the liver from oxidative damage & Inflammation =>It increases liver's natural deterification enzymes |
=>Mooligai powder => Kasayam |
=> Yogic poses will improves the circulation & metabolic function.
=>This yogic poses will massages the all abdominal organs & also strengthens the muscles of back & abdomen.
=>Some poses relieve stress & enhances the immunity
=>Some poses relieves constipation by stimulating the intentines
=>Yoga also helps to eliminate toxins from the body & helps to work properly
=>Pranayamas will cleanse the pranic channels & creates mental & physical balance
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