Diseases | Definition |
Renal Calculi | A kidney stone is a solid mass made up of tiny crystals.It is a hard deposits of minerals and acid salts that stick together in concentrated urine. |
Acuterenal Failure | A condition in which the kidney Kidney suddenly filter waste can't from blood. |
Chronic Kidney disease | The kidney filters waste and excess fluid from the blood. As kidney fail waste builds up There will be gradual loss & kidney function over time. |
Glomerulonephritis | Inflammation of the ting fillers in the kidney. It may b be acute (or) chronic |
Yoga | Massage | Hydrotherapy | Diet | Siddha |
=> Loosening Exercises => Asanas Standing Series Tadasana,Ardhachakrasana, Uttitatrikonasana,padahostasana Sitting Series Vajrasana,Yogamudrasana,Pachimottanasana, Janusirshasana,Ustrasana,Shashangasana Supine Series Crocodile asanas,Vakrasana,Gomukasana, Ardha matsyendrasana,Uttanpadasana, Sethubandasana,Pawanomuktasana Prone Series Ardha naukasana,Bhujangasana Pranayam Nadishuddh,Brahmari,Aum chanting |
=>Kidney massage => Full body massage Reflex massage =>Acupressure Mechanism =>It improves blood circulation =>Massage can mobilize creatinine(a muscle enzyne) => It decrease the tension in muscles anol make the body increase the endorphine level this helps to reduce pain and speed recovery =>Massage reduces cramping associated with dialysis |
=> Kidney pack =>Hot arm and foot bath =>Neutral hip bath =>Steam bath =>Ginger fomentation Mechanism =>Improves blood flow =>also it gives a soothing,calming and relaxing effect |
=> 7.30 - 8.00 am Kalzhi =>11.30 Tattanpayaru + papaya juice => 1-2 pm Rice +Sambar =>7-8 pm Idly + chutney+ kasayam =>It boost immunity =>Slow the progression of kidney didease =>Reducing salt ->it helpful to treat renal disesase |
=>Mooligai powder => Kasayam |
=) Anatomical overview of yogasanas sugget that yogasanas are centered towards stretching and strengthening & muscles and blood supply
Asanas with pranayama->Stretches lung tissue producing in hibitory signals from action of slowing adopting receptors and hyperpolarizing currents
->This inhibitory signals coming from cardiorespiratory region involving vagus nerve or believed to synchernize in neural elements in brain.->leading to changes in ANS[reducing metabolism and increasing parasympathetic activity]
->there by ->see pulse rate, SBP,DBP & metabolic rate->ther by there is reduction in blood urea and serum creatinine levels->improves renal function and excretion which intern normalize the blood pressure preventing from nephron in jury
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