Brain Related Diseases
Diseases Definition
Hemiplegia Hemiplegia is a condition caused by brain damage or spinal cord injury that leads to paralysis One side of the on body
Paraplegia Paralysis of the leg and lower body caused by spinal injury or disease
Monoplegia Refers to paralyss of limb typically cerebral one limb palsy is the main cause for monoplegia
Naturopathy and Yoga
Massage Acupressure Hydrotherapy Physiotheraphy Diet Ayurveda Siddha
=>Massage with fomentation
=>Helps to improve blood circulation
=> Relaxes the muscles
=>Slow down the progress & paralysis
=>It helps to regain control to muscles and boost the ROM
=>GB 33
=>UB 40
=>ST 41
=> Stimulate the nervous system
=>This releases endorphins there by it reduces pain
=>These point stimulation releases chemicals into muscles spinalcord and brain
=> These biochemical changes may stimulate the body's natural healing abilities and promote physical and emotional well being
=> Hot mud application
=>Patrupodi application
=>Leg pack
=>Arm pack
=>This treatment improves cardiorespiratory and thermo regulatory responses and reduces spasticity
=>Passive movements are given joint movements
=>Elbow flexion and extension
=>Wrist joint flexion and extension
=>Finger movements
=>Shoulder aaduction and abduction
=>Shoulder rotation
=>Hip adduction and abduction
=>Leg flexion and extension
=>Leg rotation
=>Ankle joint movement
=>Helps to build up strength in the attected muscles which helps to prevent the limbs from becoming deformed
=>It slow down the progress to paralysis
=>It helps improve balance and coordination of the mucles
=> Improve muscles tone
=> 7.30 - 8.00 am Idly+chutney kasayam
=>11.30 Kollu + guava juice
=> 1-2 pm Rice + Marundhu kolambu
=>7-8 pm Dosa + chutney+ kasayam
=>It boost immunity
=>It strengthen the bones and muscles
=>It stmulate the nerves and muscles
=>There by it helps to treat paralysis patient
=>Mooligai powder
=> Kasayam

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