Diseases | Definition |
Rheumatoid Arthritis | Rheumatoid arthritis causes joint inflammation and pain it is an auto immune and inflammatory disease which means that your immune system attaks healthy cells in your body by mistake.RA mainly affects joints in the hands, wrists and knees |
Yoga | Massage | Hydrotherapy | Diet | Ayurveda | Siddha |
=> Loosening Exercises => Asanas Standing Series Tadasana,Ardhachakrasana, Uttitatrikonasana, padahostasana, parivritatrikonasa Sitting Series Vajrasana, Yogamudrasana, Pachimottanasana, Janusirshasana, Ustrasana Supine Series Crocodile posture, Sethubandasana, Powanmuktasana Pranayam Nadishuddh, Brahmari,Aumkara chanting |
=>Hand massage =>Leg massage Mechanism =>Can improve healthy circulation throughout the arthritic joints => Reduces swelling and improve quality of life =>Massage also increases blood flow to the painful areas which helps to promote healing andgives relief |
=> Hot mud application =>Patrupodi application =>Fomentation Mechanism =>It helps to remove barrier beacuse water support the weight there is reduced pressure on joint and lessens the pain =>Warm water helps to soothe pain and improve circulation =>water resistance as you walk through it or move your arm and legs against it =>Warm water allows the muscle to relax and increase the ROM of joint |
=> 7.30 - 8.00 am Idly+chutney kasayam =>11.30 Green gram sprouts + sappota juice => 1-2 pm Rice + sambar kolambu =>7-8 pm Dosa + chutney+ kasayam Mechanism =>Foods that helps to reduce the symptoms->such as it reduces inflammation & reduces swelling =>Also it helps to boost the immunity |
=>Janu vasti =>Pichu Podikizhi Jllakizhi Mechanism=>It soothens the nerves and its surrounding structure of the joints =>Improve joint flexibility and mobility =>Relieves swelling and inflammation in the affected joints |
=>Mooligai powder => Kasayam |
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